No doubt, the treadmill is fun and so is gym equipment,

 but they only offer part of what a swimming workout can give. Toning the core and speeding up the metabolism are just two of the many benefits that swimming should be considered as a form of exercise to be practiced throughout the year. it is a total-body workout. Swimming is one of the few sports that involve the whole body - it sculpts the back, tones the arms, etc. - all without having to lift a weight. Advantages of swimming. Rather than working out a plan to train specific muscles as in the gym, it is sufficient to swim all four styles, as together they help to strengthen the whole body with lifeguard training.

Swimming is a friend of the joints:

 If you're recovering from an injury and are eager to get your strength back, start thinking about swimming as a way to stay fit. If running is your passion, swimming is a great way to work on recovery days by giving your knees a period of distance from the track or the road. Allows the stretching of the muscles. If you are worried about gaining too much muscle mass, consider swimming. It combines resistance training with cardio, developing lean and stretched muscles and increasing metabolism. Furthermore, when swimming, the body performs a series of movements that help the muscles to remain long and flexible.

Helps against exercise-induced asthma:

 Many swimmers start out to relieve exercise-induced asthma because swimming allows them to work in moist air by reducing asthma symptoms. Since it requires breathing control, it also improves lung capacity;

It does not require special equipment. There is no need to spend a fortune on swimming: all you need is a bathing suit, a cap and a pair of goggles. Even if you decide to add additional equipment, such as a tablet, for example, they are not very expensive and they may be already available to you in the pool you swim in;

it's a great way to burn calories:

The myths about swimmers and their calorie intake aren't false: Michael Phelps says he needs 12,000 calories a day, for example. This is because an hour of swimming at moderate speed can burn about 500. All this boosts the metabolism, which continues to burn calories even after getting out of the water, read more articles from American lifeguard

It is a very varied sport. When it comes to swimming, the workout combinations are endless. Beyond the four styles, numerous leg, arm, rowing, and tool exercises can be performed. You can also use the wall or floor of the pool to train on pushing;

It is great for cross-training. Cross training (or cross training) is that training technique that allows you to maintain physical fitness by practicing different sports even in apparent contrast to each other. Replace a routine workout in the gym with a session in the pool to improve your overall performance. When training for a marathon or any other competition, jumping into the pool from time to time can offer you an edge over your opponents;

Maximize your cardio:

 Swimming is the ultimate aerobic activity. There is more breathing control than running, and higher oxygen demand causes the muscles to work harder. Thanks to this it is possible to gain a lot in terms of cardio in a short amount of time;

It is funny! Diving into the pool is refreshing, you don't need to be a skilled swimmer to reap the rewards of swimming. Play, joke, and enjoy the moments you spend in the water! Good fun!

Read more about: Learning how to swim can be daunting

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